
Navigating Halloween: Tips for Managing Eating Disorder Triggers

Halloween can be a tricky time for individuals in recovery from an eating disorder. With candy-filled celebrations, social pressures, and the challenge of picking out a costume, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But Halloween can still be an enjoyable experience while maintaining your recovery. Here are some helpful strategies for managing potential eating disorder triggers … Read More

How to Communicate Your Needs: Talking to Teachers, Employers, and Peers About Your Recovery

Open and honest communication is crucial when you’re in recovery from an eating disorder. Whether you’re returning to school, work, or social settings, expressing your needs can help ensure the support you require. Here are some tips for approaching teachers, employers, and peers, so your recovery journey is respected and understood. Communicating with Teachers: A … Read More

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Treatment at McCallum Place

What is ARFID? ARFID is an acronym that stands for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. ARFID is a type of eating disorder that involves a cycle of avoiding and restricting foods due to three maintaining mechanisms: sensory sensitivity, fear of aversive consequences, and lack of interest in eating. One of the primary differences between ARFID and … Read More

What I’ve Learned About “Embodiment” in Eating Disorder Recovery Treatment

In our day-to-day lives, we hear a lot about how we “should” be showering ourselves with “positive affirmations,” “self-love,” and “positive body image”. But, frankly, most of the time, the patients I work with (not to mention myself!) have struggled to connect with these sentiments. This year, I had the privilege of supervising a dance … Read More

Coaching the Whole Athlete: How Coaches Can Better Support Their Athletes On and Off the Field

The relationship between an athlete and their coach is unique and memorable. Sport staff is often highly respected and trusted by their athletes. Unfortunately, this trust can easily be abused. The coaches’ job is to develop elite athletes into champions. However, coaches also have an obligation to protect their athletes, and sometimes this responsibility gets … Read More

Dear Body: Will You Be My Valentine?

Our relationship with our bodies is complicated. With or without an eating disorder, research has determined that humans experience a normative amount of body image distress. Having a body is an uncomfortable experience. From infancy to adulthood, our bodies change in ways that are completely out of our control. Yet, the relationship we have with … Read More

Create a Wellness Plan Full of Well-Things

Written by Kelly Kelley & Molly Reid This time of year we are bombarded with ads and incentives around beauty, fitness, wellness, self-care, overall health, and personal growth essentials to try in 2023.  Has Diet Culture convinced you to put “weight loss” on the top of your Wellness Plan? If constantly attempting to manipulate your … Read More

Let’s Talk Data: Measurement-Based Care at McCallum Place

Since 2013, McCallum Place has collected in-house data to investigate treatment effectiveness, allowing us to better understand eating disorder pathology and improve treatment outcomes. Another name for this process is measurement-based care, which is defined as using client data collected throughout treatment to inform clinical care. While data collection results help determine our specific program … Read More