2022 Eating Disorders in Sport Learning Series

The Victory Program at McCallum Place is excited to announce our new Learning Series.  We fully believe in the importance of sharing education, insight, and best practices surrounding eating disorder treatment within the athlete population, and have decided to pivot from an annual conference to an online webinar series.  We are hopeful that this format will help us reach more clinicians, coaches, healthcare providers, and sport personnel who interface with athletes on a regular basis.

We will be hosting an Eating Disorder in Sport Learning Series presented by members of our Victory Program treatment team, including our sport psychologist, strength and conditioning coach, sport dietitian, and physical therapy consultant.  Each of our half day virtual events will include the following four presentations:

  • Dedicated Athlete or Disordered Eating?  The Importance of Eating Disorder Awareness Among Athletes, presented by Savannah Fernandez, PsyD.
  • Fueling a Balanced Relationship with Food: Nutritional Considerations for Athletes with Eating Disorders, presented byTaylor Larson, RD, CSSD, LD, CEDRD
  • Empowering Athletic Staff: Strengthening Confidence in the Support of Athletes with Eating Disorders, presented by Amanda Tierney, MS, CSCS, CEDS
  • Rehabilitation and Return to Sport: Physical Therapy Support for Athletes with Eating Disorders, presented byMichelle Laging PT, DPT, CPPC, CEDS-S

The content for each session will be similar, but adjusted based on the audience and CE units provided. Mark your calendars for the date below that best fits your educational needs. 

Session 1: Friday, April 29th

Time: 8:45am-1:30pm CST

Audience: Sport Coaches, Athletic Directors, and Sport Personnel

To Register Visit: https://app.ce-go.com/eating-disorders-in-sport-learning-series/home 

Session 2: Friday, July 22nd

Time: 8:45am-1:30pm CST

Audience: Clinical staff – Psychologists, Dietitians, Social Workers, and Counselors

To Register Visit: https://app.ce-go.com/eating-disorders-in-sport-learning-series-24-02-2022-394

CEUs provided through APA, NBCC, and CDR

Session 3: Friday, October 21st

Time: 8:45am-1:30pm CST

Audience: Fitness and Rehabilitation Professionals – Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Personal Trainers

CEUs approved through BOC, NSCA, and APTA MO
*CEUs pending for occupational therapists

To Register Visit: https://app.ce-go.com/eating-disorders-in-sport-learning-series-copy/home

Come in with an open mind and remember your goals, the person you want to be. It’s a second chance at life!

– A Former Resident
Marks of Quality Care
  • International Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
  • PsychArmor
  • RenewED, Eating Disorders Support
  • Residential Eating Disorders Consortium
  • Washington University in St. Louis