Specialized Group Therapy at McCallum Place in St. Louis, MO

Evidence based treatment, education and support is sometimes delivered in a group format. This form of eating disorder treatment provides an opportunity for a deeper understanding of self and others. Restrictive eating, binging and purging can be a way to communicate internal distress. Clients suffering from anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders, can all work together to overcome their fears and anxiety and to learn the healing, therapeutic value of group work.

Group Fitness Therapy

Our fitness groups allow clients to experience the physical and psychological benefits of exercise. We offer many options to clients once medically stable and at a healthy weight including: Fitness training, regular walks, yoga, and strength training with a personal trainer. Additionally, fun and unique fitness outings off campus take place weekly where clients participate in various forms of physical activity.

Group Art Therapy

Art therapy allows clients to express themselves creatively, providing another window into each individual and a different way to promote understanding and communication. Art therapy asks participants to explore their inner experience- their feelings, perceptions, and imagination.

Meal Therapy

Meal therapy, nutrition, and post-meal groups are led by staff, therapists and dietitians. Staff and clients plan, eat and review meals as a group. Clients begin to face and overcome their fear of eating with supportive feedback and encouragement before, during and after each meal. Self-portioning, restaurant outings, and cooking classes are offered to help clients build confidence in eating away from treatment.

Cooking Class

McCallum Place St. Louis is excited to announce the addition of a cooking class to its’ Adult PHP and IOP programs! We have teamed up with Schnucks Cooking School in Des Peres to offer a weekly cooking class taught by the Chefs from Schnucks. Clients will be accompanied by one of McCallum Place’s Registered Dietitians. The Schnucks’ chefs will assist clients in grocery shopping prior to providing hands on cooking instruction. Clients will then eat their creations with assistance and support from the Dietitian.

Animal Assisted Therapy

At our St. Louis facilities, our team of Golden Retrievers lead our pet assisted therapy, helping clients to connect, play, and relax after a week of intensive individual and group work.

Male Only Group

In an effort to make sure each client’s individual needs are met, we offer a male only group that is led by a male therapist. This allows for more open conversation about the unique struggles and challenges that males face when suffering from an eating disorder. Treatment explores male-specific medical/endocrine and body image issues as well as how social roles factor into their daily lives.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Group

Our program is designed to help individuals who have had a chronic struggle with weight and binge eating. We believe that health and happiness comes from creating and living a balanced lifestyle, not from a number or a size. Our primary goal is to work with you to build skills and habits that will promote both physical and mental well-being.

Behavioral Support

Our weekly Behavioral Support programming will focus on learning important strategies to promote weight stabilization and balance in your life. Some of the core topics include harm reduction, energy balance, emotion regulation, body image and mindfulness. Groups will consist of weekly goal setting, learning and applying a new strategy for behavior change, and in some cases simple homework to consolidate learning and provide an opportunity for practicing new skills between sessions.

Meal Support

Our core Meal Support programming will involve an experiential process lead by a registered dietitian where participants develop strategies for feeling full and satisfied by learning a balanced approach to portioning, pacing, meal planning and meal preparation. Participants will bring meals from home for basic meal support and planning groups, and will also have the opportunity to participate in a meal outing to practice ordering and meal pacing in a restaurant setting. Finally, participants will engage in the process of meal planning from choosing a menu to go grocery shopping next door at the local Straub’s Grocery Store. The group will then prepare a meal in one of our teaching kitchens before eating together as a group.

Exercise Support

In our core Exercise Support programming, we will incorporate education on how to prepare for being active, like learning your personal fitness level and needs, understanding safety and even how to choose clothes that will allow you to move comfortably and safely. We will promote gentle movement and support for safe physical activity in a group setting that empowers you to feel confident and strong in your own body.

As painful as it is to be here and do what they’re asking, I don’t think I’d be able to do it without the McCallum Place support. You don’t have to know how to fix it, just be willing to listen and try their suggestions.

– A Former Resident
Marks of Quality Care
  • International Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
  • PsychArmor
  • RenewED, Eating Disorders Support
  • Residential Eating Disorders Consortium
  • Washington University in St. Louis