External Resources

This page contains links to helpful information and resources on eating disorders, recovery, and organizations.

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Rise Up + Recover
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Recovery Record
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Recommended Books

McCallum Place is an affiliate of Amazon.com. Books offered below may be purchased from Amazon.com by clicking on the link “Add to My Cart” by each book.

Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging The Research-Practice Gap

by Margo Maine, Beth Hartman McGilley, and Douglas Bunnell, 2010
Chapter 23 written by Dr. Kimberli McCallum, MD

Price: $79.08 Add to Cart

This book presents a range of topics that critically illuminate the challenge of clinical work with ED patients.

While the professional literature related to eating disorders has grown considerably, clinicians remain skeptical about the value of research findings, and researchers remained concerned about the failure of clinicians to strictly utilize evidence-based treatments. This professional schism threatens to curtail critical prevention and treatment advances, ultimately compromising patient care.

This unique integration of outstanding scholarship bridges such gaps, assuring that research better informs clinical work, and clinical work better informs the research agenda and process. With chapters written by a wide variety of experts from both camps, it borrows a bench-to-bedside approach from medical research. Content areas include: the biopsychosocial nature of eating disorders; diagnosis and treatment; special populations; family issues; clinical interventions to address mind, body, and spirit; and future directions.

Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method

by Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith & Anna Crane

Price: $19.07 Add to Cart

Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder equips carers with the skills and knowledge needed to support and encourage those suffering from an eating disorder, and to help them to break free from the traps that prevent recovery.

Through a coordinated approach, this book offers information plus detailed techniques and strategies to improve professionals’ and home carers’ ability to build continuity and the consistency of support for their loved ones. The authors use evidence-based research and personal experience, as well as practical support skills, to advise the reader on a number of difficult areas in caring for someone with an eating disorder. These include:

  • working towards positive change through good communications skills
  • developing problem solving skills
  • building resilience
  • managing difficult behavior.

This book is essential reading for both professionals and families involved in the care and support of anyone with an eating disorder. It will enable the reader to use the skills, information and insight gained to help change eating disorder symptoms.

Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous – A 12-Step Approach to Eating Disorder Treatment

by Faith Farthing

Price: $78.04 Add to Cart

Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are widely regarded as the most lethal of mental illnesses. Baffling and incomprehensible to all concerned and to normal folk, these maladies have confounded health-care professionals for decades. Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous provides a solution to the quandary of these disorders. Derived from the lived experience of out ten-year-old Fellowship of recovering anorexics and bulimics, this textbook contains all the information we have come to regard as vital to full recovery from our deadly affliction. Using the 12-Step Program has led us to a level of freedom from our mental obsession that none of us could have dreamed possible.

Treatment Manual For Anorexia Nervosa: A Family-Based Approach

by James Lock MD PhD, Daniel Le Grange PhD, W. Stewart Agras M.D., Christopher Dare

Price: $25.56 Add to Cart

This manual provides an authoritative and detailed description of the Maudsley approach, the leading family-based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Unique in its focus on mobilizing parents and siblings as a resource in treatment, the approach is ideal for short-term treatment and has demonstrated effectiveness in controlled clinical trials. Featuring session-by-session intervention guidelines and in-depth case illustrations, this book will enhance the clinical armamentaria of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, family therapists, and others working with patients with eating disorders.

Treating Bulimia in Adolescents: A Family-Based Approach

by Daniel Le Grange PhD & James Lock MD PhD

Price: $40.50 Add to Cart

An indispensable clinical resource, this groundbreaking book is the first treatment manual to focus specifically on adolescent bulimia nervosa. The authors draw on their proven approach to treating anorexia nervosa in the family context and adapt it to the unique needs of this related yet distinct clinical population. Evidence-based strategies are presented for helping the whole family collaborate to bring dysfunctional eating behaviors under control, while also addressing co-occurring psychological problems and parent–child relationship conflicts. Highly practical, the book shows exactly how to carry out this time-limited therapy and what to do when problems arise. Special features include annotated session transcripts and answers to frequently asked questions.

For children ages 3-8: Shapesville

by Andy Mills & Becky Osborn

Price: $7.95 Add to Cart

Shapesville is a small town where five friends of various shapes, sizes, colors, and talents discuss their differences and celebrate what makes each of them unique. Simple, rhyming verse and bold, playful illustrations of basic shapes and colors introduce these charmers: red rectangle Robbie, yellow circle Cindy, blue square Sam, orange diamond Daisy, and green triangle Tracy. These endearing characters show that “it’s not the size of your shape or the shape of your size, but the size of your heart that deserves first prize.” Questions at the end encourage discussion of these characters and what they mean.

Take Charge of Your Child’s Eating Disorder:A physician’s Step by Step Guide to Defeating Anorexia and Bulimia

by Pamela Carlton, M.D., and Deborah Ashin

Price: $10.85 Add to Cart

Recovering from an eating disorder requires a complex combination of psychological, medical, and nutritional approaches. Parents are the constant guardians of their child’s health, but often don’t know the best way to extend treatment from the examining room to the living room.

Take Charge of Your Child’s Eating Disorder is a hands-on, medically based guide that tells parents what they really need to know about eating disorders. As the founder and director of the Adolescent Eating Disorder Parent Education and Support Program at Stanford University, Dr. Pamela Carlton has treated hundreds of children and adolescents with eating disorders and has guided their parents through the maze of eating disorder treatments. This detailed handbook offers:

  • Warning signs and diagnostic criteria for different types of eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)
  • Information on the hidden eating disorder—Female Athletic Triad
  • A step-by-step plan for diagnosis, treatment options, and recovery support
  • Detailed advice for putting together and successfully managing a treatment team
  • Specific strategies for handling delicate situations and detailed resources for getting the most up-to-date information
  • The real story about insurance: what’s covered, what’s not, and how to fight the system

Gaining The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders

by Aimee Liu

Price: $16.49 Add to Cart

GAINING is one of the first books about eating disorders to connect the latest scientific insights to the personal truth of life before, during, and especially after anorexia and bulimia.

Life Without Ed

by Jenni Schaefer, Thom Rutledge

Price: $10.17 Add to Cart

A new approach to treating eating disorders Eight million women in the United States suffer from anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia. For these women, the road to recovery is a rocky one. Many succumb to their eating disorders. Life Without Ed offers hope to all those who suffer from these often deadly disorders. For years, author Jennifer Schaefer lived with both anorexia and bulimia. She credits her successful recovery to the technique she learned from her psychologist, Thom Rutledge. This groundbreaking book illustrates Rutledge’s technique. As in the author’s case, readers are encouraged to think of an eating disorder as if it were a distinct being with a personality of its own. Further, they are encouraged to treat the disorder as a relationship rather than as a condition. Schaefer named her eating disorder Ed; her recovery involved “breaking up” with Ed Shares the points of view of both patient and therapist in this approach to treatment Helps people see the disease as a relationship from which they can distance themselves Techniques to defeat negative thoughts that plague eating disorder patients Prescriptive, supportive, and inspirational, Life Without Ed shows readers how they too can overcome their eating disorders.

Overcoming Eating Disorders

by Robin F. Apple, & W. Stewart Agras

Price: $34.00 Add to Cart

The Client Workbook is a state-of-the-art work that will prove very useful both for patients who have Bulimia Nervosa or binge-eating disorder and for the therapists who work with them.

The BDD Workbook: Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder and End Body Image Obsessions

by James Claiborn, Cherry Pedrick

Price: $12.89 Add to Cart

Checking and rechecking ones appearance in the mirror may be more than mere vanity it could be a sign of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. This condition can lead to unnecessary plastic surgery, serious eating disorders, steroid abuse, even suicide. The BDD Workbook offers a proven intervention plan and personal stories, exercises, charts, and worksheets to help readers recognize distorted self-perception and develop a balanced self-image.

The Body Image Workbook: An 8-Step Program for Learning to Like Your Looks

by Thomas F. Cash, Ph.D.

Price: $13.57 Add to Cart

This book contains an 8-step program for learning to like your looks.

The Depression Workbook

by Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S.

Price: $13.57 Add to Cart

This bestselling workbook provides interactive exercises that help readers take responsibility for their own wellness and teach essential coping skills, such as tracking and controlling moods, building a support system, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, avoiding conditions that can exacerbate mood swings, and using relaxation, diet, and exercise to stabilize moods. A major feature of the second edition is a new chapter that details a step-by-step process to help readers develop their own plan for managing symptoms and staying well. The second edition also contains an updated list of resources, including an extensive list of helpful web resources, as well as expanded material on specific treatment strategies and updated resources for mental health professionals.

French Toast for Breakfast: Declaring Peace With Emotional Eating

by Mary Anne Cohen

Price: $13.57 Add to Cart

French Toast for Breakfast is filled with practical exercises, dialogues form actual therapy sessions, straightforward answers to common questions, an in-depth comparison of treatment options, and a look at relapse how to prevent it and what to do if it occurs. It also includes a unique questionnaire to help readers determine which path to peace is best for them.

Focusing on healing the emotional side of eating problems, the first half explains how fear of fat, shame, intimacy, anger, sexuality, and fear of success can contribute to food abuse. The second half discusses a wide range of approaches to overcoming food problems from which readers can create their own healing program, including the no-diet/no-deprivation approach, psychotherapy modalities, use of medications, and an insightful look at relapse.

Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery

by Lindsey Hall, Monika Ostroff

Price: $11.16 Add to Cart

Anorexia nervosa, in simple terms, is self-starvation. However, it is a complex problem with intricate roots; and, recovery is best accomplished with a grasp of sound information, specific tasks, and the support of others. All of that is provided in this guidebook, which includes:

  • Answers to questions most often asked about anorexia
  • Insight from recovered and recovering anorexics
  • Monika Ostroffs story of recovery
  • Specific things to do that have worked for others
  • Information on healthy eating and weight
  • Suggestions for how to stay committed
  • A special section for parents & loved ones

Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery

by Lindsey Hall & Leigh Cohn

Price: $10.47 Add to Cart

This well-known guidebook offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery. It includes a two-week program to stop bingeing, things-to-do instead of bingeing, a guide for support groups, specific advice for loved ones, and “Eat Without Fear,” Hall’s story of self-cure which has inspired thousands of other bulimics. This revised edition has updated all of the information from previous editions, and has added material on men and bulimia, sexual trauma, body image, relationships, and much more. Includes input from 400 recovered bulimics. Useful for therapists, educators, bulimics, and their loved-ones.

This fifth edition is completely updated and expanded, and offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery. It includes:

  • Answers to questions most often asked about bulimia
  • Insight from more than 400 recovered and recovering bulimics
  • A Three-week Program to Stop Bingeing
  • Specific advice for loved-ones
  • Things to do instead of bingeing
  • Lindsey Hall’s own inspiring story
  • Suggestions from professional eating disorders therapists
  • Eat Without Fear

Eating in the Light of the Moon

by Anita Johnson, Ph.D.

Price: $11.16 Add to Cart

How women can transform their relationships with food through myths, metaphors & storytelling. By weaving practical insights and exercises through a rich tapestry of multicultural myths, ancient legends, and folktales, Johnston teaches women to free themselves from disordered eating by finding the metaphors hidden in their own life stories. Written in a readable and intimate style, each of the twenty chapters explores a different theme of empowerment and self-discovery. Reading this book is an enlightening experience! Weaving a rich tapestry of multicultural myths, ancient legends, and simple folktales, Anita Johnston teaches women how to free themselves from disordered eating by discovering the metaphors that are hidden in their own life stories. A great gift for someone in recovery!

Making Weight: Men’s Conflicts with Food, Weight, Shape and Appearance

by Arnold Andersen, M.D., Leigh Cohn, M.A.T., Thomas Holbrook, M.D.

Price: $10.47 Add to Cart

This is the first book to explore why so many of today’s men are experiencing problems that have traditionally been considered “women’s issues.” It offers practical solutions for men who are suffering from anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, excessive exercise, steroid abuse, sexual uncertainty based on appearance, or body dissatisfaction.

Filled with vignettes from their patients; social and historical perspectives; facts about genetics, masculinity, and nutrition; Holbrook’s own personal experience in overcoming anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive exercise; and an overview of treatment approaches, Making Weight is a groundbreaking work that will revolutionize how men think about their bodies.

Surviving an Eating Disorder: Strategies for Family & Friends

by Michelle Siegel, Judith Brisman (Contributor), Margot Weinshel

Price: $10.40 Add to Cart

This is one of the “most-often-ordered” books for friends and family. The authors discuss the psychological and behavioral aspects of eating disorders, pharmacology, and family therapy, with an emphasis on: bringing it out in the open, seeking help, coping with anger and denial, developing a healthier relationship and guidance for making the situation better–now.

The Body Image Workbook

by Thomas E. Cash, Ph.D.

Price: $8.98 Add to Cart

This is a full-sized, informative workbook that offers help for improving body image. With over 40 user-friendly “help sheets,” Cash, a respected pioneer of the psychology of appearance and author of more than 100 articles and books–shows how to discover your personal body image, harness knowledge for change, improve “private body talk,” practice body-mind relaxation, stop self-defeating behaviors, and “treat your body right!”

The Tao of Eating: Feeding Your Soul Through Everyday Experiences with Food

by Linda R. Harper, Ph.D.

Price: $10.47 Add to Cart

A natural relationship with food unfolds within the context of a soulful life. Using the principles of Taoism to break free from diet-consciousness, this book is inspirational and practical. It offers a life-enriching philosophy to help readers gently and consciously integrate eating experiences into everyday life. Filled with personal exercises, lists, worksheets, and quizzes; an introduction by Thomas Moore.

Full Lives: Women Who Have Freed Themselves from Food & Weight Obsession

by Lindsey Hall

Price: $11.16 Add to Cart

In this her most recent book, Lindsey Hall introduces 16 extraordinary women, who have overcome food and weight obsessions, as though they are all dining together at a large circular table, taking turns talking about themselves and the lessons they’ve learned from food. These stories and insights of personal transformation are for all readers who need encouragement to lead a full life of their own. This book is not only about “how to” overcome problems with food but also “why to.” Topics include:

  • Food, love and intimacy
  • Women united for social change
  • Exercise and meditation
  • Pregnancy and weight change
  • Sexual abuse
  • Hunger and the inner-self

Dear Ashley: A Father’s Reflections and Letters to His Daughter on Life, Love and Hope

by Don Blackwell, Michael E. Berrett (Foreword)

Price: $12.20 Add to Cart

Events wholly beyond our control can sometimes abruptly and profoundly interrupt our life journeys and the journeys of those we love. As they are unfolding, the physical and emotional trauma that often accompany such events present seemingly insurmountable obstacles to our ability to move forward. We become stuck, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. Several years ago, one of those events drove Don Blackwell’s daughter to death’s doorstep. In the midst of her suffering, however, and largely as a result of her courage, Don came to realize that such events can also serve as critical points of reflection and opportunities for growth. He also realized that if we are willing to take a step back from the heartbreak of the moment and reflect on the matters of the heart that surround those events, they can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves, of those we love and of the human condition. “Dear Ashley” is a collection of those reflections and the intimate father/daughter letters used to convey them—shared in the hope that the unique perspective they offer will provide guidance, understanding and healing when life’s challenges come knocking on your door.

Recommended Organizations

Missouri Eating Disorder Association


P.O. Box 11344
St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: (314) 413.0381
Email: info@moeatingdisorders.org

The Missouri Eating Disorders Association’s mission is to bring hope, compassion and understanding to the fight against eating disorders. We are committed to providing education, resources and advocacy that will change the conversation around eating disorders. We strive to bring understanding and support to those treating or affected by this terrible and serious disease.

Heartland Chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals




“The Heartland iaedp Chapter aims to provide educational opportunities to treating professionals designed to increase awareness of eating disorder treatment and to enhance the skill of treating professionals.”


“The Heartland iaedp Chapter offers continuing education, networking, and support for professionals of all disciplines, orientation, and levels of experience treating eating disorders throughout the Midwest.”

NEDA: National Eating Disorders Association


165 West 46th Street
New York, NY 10036
Office Phone: 212-575-6200
Email: info@NationalEatingDisorders.org
Information & Referral Hotline: (800) 931-2237

Our Mission

NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.

IAEDP: International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals

P.O. Box 1295
Pekin, Illinois  61555-1295
Toll free: (800) 800-8126
P: (309) 346-3341
F: (775) 239-1597

A membership organization for professionals; provides certification, education, local chapters, a newsletter, and an annual symposium.

MEDA: Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association


288 Walnut Street, Suite 130
Newton, MA 02460
Phone: 617-558-1881

E-mail: Info@medainc.org

MEDA offers a variety of programs and services to those struggling with an eating disorder such as eating disorder assessments, support groups, education and prevention workshops, coaching and skills sessions, and support groups for parents, significant others and loved ones. MEDA also hosts a monthly forum, typically held on the first Saturday of each month, that is open to the general public and features an individual who shares their story of recovery from an eating disorder.
MEDA’s mission is to prevent the continuing spread of eating disorders through educational awareness and early detection. MEDA serves as a support network and resource for clients, loved ones, clinicians, educators, and the general public.

Maudsley Parents: Family-Based Treatment of Eating Disorders

Email: contact@maudsleyparents.org

Maudsley Parents is a volunteer organization of parents who have helped their children heal from anorexia and bulimia using family-based treatment.

Proud2BMe: Eating Disorders Awareness for Young Teens

Email: info@proud2bme.org

Proud2BMe is an online community created by and for teens. We cover everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight.

AED: Academy for Eating Disorders

165 Wold McLean Village Dr.
McLean, VA 22101
P: (703) 556-9222
F: (703)556-8729

For ED professionals; promotes effective treatment, develops prevention initiatives, stimulates research, sponsors international conference.


Body of Work: The Art of Eating Disorder Recovery


“Body of Work: The Art of Eating Disorder Recovery” is a ground-breaking sculpture project by artist Judith Shaw.  The brutally honest account creates a visual and visceral experience of anorexia rarely explored publicly.  It offers hope to patients and family members and is a valuable teaching tool for medical and mental healthcare professionals as well as educators. Visit her website to see the work, view project catalogue and learn about arranging an exhibit or artist presentation. To contact the artist by email: judith@judithshaw.com


Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness


Provides educational information to parents and caregivers about the warning signs, dangers, and consequences of eating disorders.

ANAD: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders

P.O. Box 640
Naperville, IL 60565
ANAD Helpline:(630) 577-1330
General Business Line: (630) 577-1333

Launched in 1976, ANAD is the oldest eating disorder organization in the nation. ANAD distributes listing of therapists, hospitals, and informative materials; sponsors support groups, conferences, advocacy campaigns, research, and a crisis hotline.

Eating Disorders Anonymous


A 12-step self-help fellowship. This is a brand new 12 step program and really needs support and new meetings started. It’s a great program for anorexics and bulimics.

Eating Disorder Referral


The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. They provide information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders.

OA: Overeaters Anonymous

P.O. Box 44020
Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4020
(505) 891-2664

A 12 step self-help fellowship; free local meetings are listed in the telephone white pages under Overeaters Anonymous.



Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of eating disorders, an organization of and for parents and caregivers to help loved ones recover from eating disorders.



McCallum Place has been chosen as a “Top Pick Treatment Center” by www.theravive.com – a network of mental health practitioners representing thousands of credentialed therapists and psychologists. Theravive’s mission is to facilitate a rapid connection between an individual in need of help, and qualified therapists who can provide counseling.



The Eating Disorder Association of Ireland, n Irish national charity for people with eating disorders, families, and friends.

BEAT (formerly known as the Eating Disorder Association)


Based in Norwich, England. Founded in 1989 following a merger between Anorexic Aid (founded in 1974), Anorexic Family Aid, and the Society for the Advancement of Research into Anorexia – SARA.

Couldn’t thank McCallum enough for the help they provided me. The staff really cares about your well-being and walked with me through the hardest time of my life. This place saved my life! And being apart of the Victory Program was a privilege because of the knowledge I gained in my sport. I might not have said it while in treatment, but I’m so blessed to have been able to heal here.

– Alumni
Marks of Quality Care
  • International Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
  • PsychArmor
  • RenewED, Eating Disorders Support
  • Residential Eating Disorders Consortium
  • Washington University in St. Louis